Today in the world, many people commit crimes everyday. Some are charged but others are sent to jail. According to, the definition of 'prison' is:
"a building for the confinement of persons held while awaiting trial, persons sentenced after conviction, etc." The people who are in prisons known as criminals, are lonely and isolated because they are confined in a closed space with full security. Usually, they are not allowed to leave prison until their time is up. The theme of Of Mice and Men is that even the most lonely and isolated people of society have the biggest dreams. I think we can all agree that people in prison are the most isolated people you can find in today's society. These criminals wish they can leave jail. Some people after being sent to jail reflect upon their actions and probably wish they hadn't committed the crime. Others do not care and once they are out of jail they will probably try to commit another crime. People in prison can somewhat be related to the characters in Of Mice and Men. Although the characters in Of Mice and Men aren't in jail, they are in solitary confinement. They can leave whenever they want but you have to remember, this is the Great Depression. If these people were to leave the ranch, they will have no other jobs to go to and they will be stuck in complete poverty. The people on the ranch are like people in prison. They both wish they weren't in the situations they are and they wish they had a normal life like most people.
Now let's talk a bit about prison. Historically, prison isn't like it is today. In old times, prison was just a place used to keep the criminals in a secure place until they were given either corporal or capital punishment.
Prisons need to be carefully designed on the computer
before being built. |
Prisons need to be carefully designed to ensure security and to ensure that no criminal escapes. Male and female prisoners are kept separately for obvious reasons. Prisons have the following features: A main entrance, a religious facility, an education facility which includes a library, a gym or exercise yard, a healthcare facility, a segregation unit which is a separate area to keep the more dangerous prisoners, a section for vulnerable prisoners such as sex offenders, a section of safe cells where prisoners are constantly watched for fear they will commit suicide, a visiting area for restricted contact from visitors, a death row (in some countries) where prisoners wait to be executed, and also a recreational area.
Supermax prison |
Security in prison varies from country to country. Most prisons divide security into different classes depending on how bad the criminals are. In the US, there are 9 levels of security. They are: pre-release, minimum, low, close security, medium, high, maximum, administrative, and supermax. In pre-release prisons, the goal is to build character and responsibility in the criminal before they are released. They aren't required to be constantly supervised by they are observed over time. Supermax prisons are made for the "worst of the worst". These prisons are created for people such as terrorists who create a risk for national security. Also, non-terrorists can also be kept here but they are still extremely horrible criminals that are too dangerous to be in a normal prison. People in these prisons are not allowed to communicate with other prisoners. These criminals are monitored 24/7.
Thanks for reading,
~ Ramez Fares
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